The David Spoon Experience 1-4-23 part 1
A) In 2nd Corinthians chapter 12, verse 5, Paul references his out-of-body experience. He aims to clarify that he’s not boasting about himself but merely recounting an event. When God performs a uniquely miraculous act for us or with us, it’s not an opportunity to claim superiority in Christian maturity or a badge of honor. Only God can bring these things about in our lives. We can’t command them, only receive them.
B) Paul emphasizes this point by stating he doesn’t want anyone to credit him with more than he deserves because of something he hears, sees, or a surpassingly great revelation. This is crucial as many teachers receive profound insights and share them. These insights are not a result of their brilliance but of grace. There’s no reason for pride since, without God’s gift, these insights wouldn’t exist.
C) The apostle then transitions to a section that, in my humble opinion, has been greatly misunderstood. He mentions that to prevent him from becoming conceited, he was given a thorn in his flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment him. Various conclusions have been drawn from this, ranging from incomplete healing to assumptions about his celibacy. It simply states it was a messenger from Satan, a demon, that kept bothering him. That’s all it says, and I won’t add to it.