The David Spoon Experience 1-27-23 Part 2
1) Normally, on a Friday, I will do a few different DDD’s. But as I was preparing for this day, the Lord dropped a “teach this instead” thought into my very tiny brain. So, we try to follow the Lord the best we can. This teaching centers around the image of God and how the people of God have a polluted or warped picture of God and who He is. 2) In Malachi 3, the people were challenged by God as speaking terrible things about God. What did we say…? Then the Lord told them that His own people accused God of blessing the evildoer and doing nothing for His own. This false accusation occurs when the believer doesn’t see what they think they should see. Without stating it outright, the people of God don’t like God’s job. This, my friends, is dangerous territory. 3) When we pray, we have to determine in our hearts, each and every time, the character of God. Generous, stingy, tight-fisted, slow, or uncaring are all attributes the enemy tries to use to convince people about who God is. In the Garden of Eden, the father of lies said, “For God knows that when you eat from it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” He accused God of hiding stuff. The enemy tells the same lie today.