The David Spoon Experience 1-18-23 Part 2
1) This subject is one of massive significance. It directly correlates to our connection to God. It intertwines with the blood of Jesus Christ. And without this topic, we are doomed to eternal separation from God as we deserve. It’s reasonably straightforward. The moment a person sins (which is best defined as anything contrary to God), they “deserve” or are entitled to be eliminated or exterminated. But there is a space that God created that gives us hope. 2) The principle of forgiveness is critical to the Christian existence from the start, through the journey, and all the way to the end. The word often means compassion, mercy, and reconciliation. From the Greek, we get this: to send away, disregard, and keep no longer. This has to do with how are handled. 3) Here is a key to this particular teaching on forgiveness. It is, without question or reservation, SPIRITUAL WARFARE. There is a fight for us to operate in the Forgiveness Factor. This is not a struggle for God. He has extended to us His forgiveness. This is a struggle for you and me dealing with you, me, and everyone else. This is a fight to reflect Jesus. And it ain’t easy.