The David Spoon Experience 9-13-23 Part 1
A) There are many hidden gems in the Psalms. Chapter 40, verse 6, for example, is truly overwhelming. David says, “Sacrifice and offerings you did not desire; my ears you have opened.” This means that although the law had a prescription for dealing with certain things, what God was looking for more than the sacrifices was the person themselves. David recognized this and stated, “You know what? I have my ears open to you. Please speak.”
B) We know from the New Testament that this psalm is involved in the fulfillment of the Ministry of Jesus Christ, providing further proof that prophecy never fails. But I want to examine how it applied to David directly as well. When David realized that burnt offerings and sin offerings were only one level of the relationship with God, he presented himself by saying, “I come. Lord, I am here. I am offering myself to do that which you desire.” This is the same spirit that God wants in you and me - to be more committed to our response to Him than to the letter of the law.
C) Next, the psalmist mentions that he proclaims the good news of righteousness in the Great Assembly. I’ve mentioned this before, and I know it doesn’t get as much attention as it deserves. But the real early church evangelists were not people who held tent meetings to attract unbelievers, with just a few believers scattered among them. The early church evangelists spoke directly to the church, reminding them of the power of the good news. People who were not saved would also come and then get saved.
D) The final element in this portion of David’s discourse is that he makes sure everyone knows that he has not hidden or concealed anything but has proclaimed the great things that God has done. Testifying is an important part of our walk with the Lord. We need to tell what God has done in our lives. It doesn’t always come out perfectly, and it doesn’t always sound sweet and simple, but that doesn’t matter. God did it, and He’ll back it up. If He did something in your life, share it.